Saturday, May 12, 2012

Colon cancer genetic

Colon cancer genetic??
i have some questions that i have wondered about a while... both my grandmas have had colon cancer... one of which died from it. now im wondering several questions about it... first of all.. i know colon cancer is genetic.. but what are the chances that i will get it... and how much does that increase if my parents get it sometime later in life... also i know after a certain age i have to get yearly tests for it because it could run in the family... but what is the average age for getting it?? also... my grandma on my moms side has already beaten the cancer... but what are the chances that it will come back?? lastly... what is a colon??
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, colon cancer is to a great degree genetic. Here is a link for you to read:
2 :
cancer isnt necessarily genetic , some say it is and some say not , i would have to say for anyone ,whether cancer is in the family or not has a 50/50 chance . the thing with cancer is it can strike anyone at anytime. the colon is in the digestive tract
3 :
a colon is another name for the large intestine.. in the large intestine, excess water is reabsorbed by the body, which changes the consistency of our poop. you have a big chance of acquiring it but it can be intervened through diet. it is one of the few modifiable (means large chances of not acquiring it) cancers. you should eat a lot more food rich in fiber because it helps "sweep" the colon with food residues (food excess that gets in between the folds of the large intestine which causes it to irritate). the exact cause of cancer is unknown but it is somehow identified that constant irritation of an organ causes it to mutate thus developing cancer like constant smoking irritates the alveoli in lungs thus developing lung cancer. if in case that you WILL acquire it, early detection is very important so that early intervfention can be made. when you reached or if you are already in your forties, monitor your bowel movements. when you feel irregularities in your bowel like change n frequencies or you see blood, GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! occult blood test is also helpful to detect early presence of abnormalities.

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