Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What is the survival rate for colon cancer

What is the survival rate for colon cancer?
Specifically that of someone who was at stage 4 when dr's caught it and treated it. Thanks! It is for a family member who was diagnosed this time last year, had surgery, and under went both chemotherapy / radiation. Got a sign of clear from the doctors last month.. thanks
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
The best source for finding out this is, though has the same statistics. It drops at each stage, though at stage 3 it's 60% (75-78%), and I believe it does drop quite a bit after that. There is always hope, though. Good luck!
2 :
3 :
Not too good but better than years before. Pray to God a lot, too.
4 :
The statistics point to 20-30% of people who have been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer to live 5 years. In stage 4 colon cancer the cancer has moved on to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs. It is this point when surgery is done (segmental resection or colostomy) the problems caused by blockage can be relieved. At stage 4, curing the cancer is nearly impossible unless the tumors that have spread are able to be removed as well as removal from resection of the colon. People may only survive for a few months after diagnosis, some up to 5 years. A small percentage of people live more than 5 years. In the end, it's individual. Edit: I hope your family member beats the odds and is with you for a long time.

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