Friday, February 8, 2008

How do doctors detect colon cancer

How do doctors detect colon cancer?
yeah but he hasn't been eating anything because nothing stays down so is there another way? My dad is having sergury tomorrow because part of his colon collapsed and they say it's because he had some sort of build up. Is the only way to detect colon cancer is by cutting in or do they have blood tests that would be able to tell you? I only ask because they say they don't know what the build up is....if it was cancer do you think they would be able to let us know before taking it out?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
a fecal sample is usually used to screen for colon cancer.
2 :
It is very unusual for a colon to collapse. When a person has colon cancer the colon usually gets bigger. The colon is like a garden hose. Imagine a tumor growing inside the hose as there is little room for the water to pass the side before the tumor is backing up and making the hose expand. With a colon however, it is feces and gas building up and it is quite painful. Cancer cannot be detected on a blood test and if he needs surgery, he needs surgery cancer or not. Only the bad part of the colon is removed and the two good ends are attached to each other – like you do to a garden hose that has a tear in the middle of it. If it is cancer keeping him under while the doctor comes out to tell you is not really a necessary risk and if he is lucky the surgeon won’t be able to tell that it is cancer while in the OR as it is too small and localized. Best wishes to you both.

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