Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm a sixteen year old girl, am I at risk for colon cancer

I'm a sixteen year old girl, am I at risk for colon cancer?
Last month we found out my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. He is only 34 years old and he was diagnosed with stage 4, and he is the only member in our family to ever be diagnosed with colon cancer. Am I at a higher risk?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not really :)
2 :
Yes you are at a higher risk and should start getting colonoscopies when you are 24. EDIT: You are only at a higher risk when you have a first degree relative with colon cancer.
3 :
So sorry to hear about your dad..the Dr will want to follow you and your siblings as you get older..right now you are not @ risk, but every time you get a new Dr. make sure that is the 1st thing you tell them..so yes you are @ a higher risk than someone without colon cancer in their family..
4 :
My grandma was just diagnosed with stage one and everyone one on her side of the family me,my mom my brother her sister are at risk one of her sister has a non cancers bump in her colon! So yes you are at risk and you should talk to your doctor! And get a screening evey 5 year! I am 14 and I am worried that I could get it!
5 :
You should certainly start getting colonoscopies younger than most. That way, you will catch it if you do get it, so you can get treatment. Your dad, however, will probably be sick for a long time because stage four is the most progressed cancer stage. Since he is young and hopefully still strong without any other health problems, he should be able to live through it and beat it. I wish both of you the best.

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