Monday, August 16, 2010

My friend has colon cancer, spread to the liver and surrounding lymph nodes

My friend has colon cancer, spread to the liver and surrounding lymph nodes.?
It has been a year since diagnosis. They stoped the chemo at some point, because the cancer had shrunk. Now recent cat scan shows it has started to grow again, and they have once again started the chemo. Is this common? chemo stoped and starting again, and how often can they do this? I would like some real facts. Or will this time, the chemo be not as affective? Thanks so much for your attention.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Unfortunately things do not look very promising at all. Once organs like liver are involved it's too late. I am truly very sorry. Yes, chemo does stop at a certain point. Now with a second try of chemo, some more time may be bought, but do not expect a cure. Spend some good time with your friend; he/she may not have long.
2 :
Normally, the doctor will do a biopsy on the cell to determine the type of cancer. Chemotherapy is depend on the stages of cancer your friend presently is in, and the cost of drug your friend could afford. Some even opt for surgery + chemotherapy to enhance the success.A cancer patient will normally be monitor atleast for the next five years after the chemo actually stops. Yearly CT or MRI is use to assess the growth of the cancer cell so I would said it is common procedure.

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