Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is Foul Smelling Stool a symptom of Colon Cancer

Is Foul Smelling Stool a symptom of Colon Cancer?

Cancer - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no it means you ate something different... everybody's stool smells different.
2 :
Not necessarily, could be something you ate or a combination of things that you ate that is causing the stink. Just remember to spray.
3 :
no. it's a sympton of too much mexican food.
4 :
Doesn't all stool smell foul?
5 :
all crap smells foul. never smelled a great smell coming from the toilet.
6 :
Foul smelling, floating stool can be from undigested fat indicating a malabsorbtion or digestive problem, such as Celiac Disease. Perhaps you are just lactose intolerant?
7 :
no, this could be a sign of anything a sign of color cancer is black tarry (tar like) stool (old blood in the stool)
8 :
The symptom of Colon Cancer are not related to foul smelling stool necessarily. See your doctor and have him/her check you out. Ask your medical provider for the signs/symptoms of colon cancer and discuss way to keep your colon healthy and working right. Good luck, Andy
9 :
Not necessariy. Foul smelling stool may be related to something that you just ate. But bloody stools, yes. You can read about the various colon cancer symptoms here You should of course, check with your doctor to confirm.
10 :
No, just bad diet choices. Dave already said what I was going to say LOL.
11 :
If you have never had stool's that smell like that before then it should be checked out. Probably is nothing but you never know.

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