Saturday, August 28, 2010

What can they do about colon cancer

What can they do about colon cancer?
My grandma has colon cancer and the doctor said it spread all over her body. They said that there was nothing we can do anymore and all we can do it pray. Is that really true? they cant do anything????
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm sorry about your grandmother's diagnosis. It sounds like she has been diagnosed with what doctors call metastatic cancer, meaning the cancer started in the colon, but has now spread to other places. There may be things they can do to make your grandmother feel more comfortable, but the best medications and treatments we have right now have a very hard time treating this serious of a disease.
2 :
doctors usually prescribe chemotherapy but if it's spread too much then the chemo directed at all those places would kill your grandma. if you want to do something.... go and research colloidal silver. has it it boosts the immune system and has antimicrobial properties. now if it can buy your grandma time, u must use that time to look up bob beck protocol. the devices can be hand built but sota instruments sells all 4 of them. (the ozonator can be found on ebay cheap). then again,.... it sounds like you're too young to look into these stuff.... i dunno if u can prove me wrong. btw praying is not going to help, u gotta take back your power....use ur brain and internet

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