Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My father has a colon cancer and in June he has to be under chemotheraphy, we don't know what to do, help

My father has a colon cancer and in June he has to be under chemotheraphy, we don't know what to do, help?
We have to decide what option to choose. its our first time to encounter this kind of situation, i need your advices.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
what are the options your talking about? my aunt had colon cancer and though its a hard thing to deal with and you get sick, things get better. My mom is going through chemotherapy right now for cancer that was found in her armpit lymphnodes, breast, liver, and spine :( It seems like there is no end in sight but really all we are doing is sticking by her while she is going through treatment and helping her enjoy her time here as much as possible...i know its a hard thing to deal with and face everyday but you need to be strong for the other person. Happiness helps fight sickness :) always remember that :). So do your best to be there for your dad and show him you all love him and care about him enough to stick with him through this for the didnt mention any, you just mentioned more information if you'd like more of a reply. and good luck hun. <3
2 :
The doctor said I had stage 4 stomac cancer and lymphomia . I had a huge mass in my stomac about to go into my spine. He said I only had 2 mo,s to live. I was skin and bones and could bearly walk. I was unreal weak . The chemo did no good. I took resveratrol made from muscadime seeds. In 30 days the cancer was gone. The doctor was freaked out . My cousian had brought me the resveratrol. He had given it to a friend that was ate up with cancer . It had spread all over his body. The doctors had given up on him. He took 10 pills for 30 days. Doctors said he was cancer free. That was over 10 yrs ago. Nothing is worse than being told your condition is hopeless. It has about drove me insane. Doctors tell you this like they are drinking a coke. Just unreal . People act like I had the flu. They say I am eating too much. Did they not see I was skin and bones? I never dreamed I would ever get cancer. Something that other people get . Anybody can get it.

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