Sunday, April 12, 2009

Any survivors of colon cancer

Any survivors of colon cancer?
Any survivors of colon cancer? I recently found out that a very close relative of mine has colon cancer. Is there anyone who has survived cancer that would like to share their story? It is a very scary time, and any positive outcomes regarding cancer could help uplift his mood. Thanks! More details: what can a family do to help someone with cancer?
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My very close friend had colon cancer about 5-6 years ago and is just fine. She does keep going for routine check ups. Also, she did take Chemo and feels that was the best thing she could have done for herself. To help a family, we need to just be there for them in any way possible. This isn't a death sentence.
2 :
Check into the Yahoo groups for cancer. I believe there is a specific one for colon cancer, and the group would be able to point you to resources for reading regarding what family can do to help someone with cancer. Much will depend on the stage, etc. Do you know what stage, the tumor size, what treatment so far, in any yet, etc., etc.? Those are helpful things to know for others to advise you. Without knowing more, some basic advise is to be sure that their privacy is not invaded and that it's completely respected, to whatever length they wish to have privacy. Some like to talk about it a lot, others do not wish to talk about it, even with close family members. Respect their wishes above all else. Let them know what support is available from each family member then let them take the lead from there regarding what offers to accept. Do not pry. There is nothing worse than 50 questions from family members when the one with cancer desires some privacy. Family and friends may mean well, but they need to understand that this is the time for the one diagnosed to call the shots as much as they desire and are able. If they would like, designate 1 person to fill in the other family members and friends on whatever details they would like to share -- that way they don't have to repeat themselves 50 times. It's exhausting. Also, CaringBridge online offers a free website to those in medical crisis. Details can be posted at leisure by the person or the designated relay and then family and friends can check the webpage for updates on care and treatment. Contact the major cancer societies for links to others agencies offering different types of helps, including some financial and rides to treatment if the person may need those. The ACS also offers and will send free books on specific cancers, nutrition during treatment, careing for the cancer patient, etc. Be sure that a respected family member or friend urges them to get a second or third opinion from a top cancer treatment facility. All will claim to provide top care. Help them weed through to get to the true specialists like Mayo Clinic or MD Anderson or University of Chicago or City of Hope. Above all, they should have no surgeries or treatment until a top cancer facility gives their opinion. If they must be treated by others, the top facility oncologists can remain on as consultants for treatment. A doctor interested in the best for his or her patient will gladly accept it. Good for you for wanting to find out all you can to help. A specialized cancer forum will be the best information directory you can ever find. Wishing you and yours well.

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