Thursday, November 8, 2012

Colon Cancer Chances. best answer

Colon Cancer Chances. best answer?
So my Grandma from one side and Grandpa from the other side has had colon cancer. So I'll go ahead and say my chances are pretty good. I'm in my upper teens. What can I start doing now to protect my colon and so on.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your grandparents having colon cancer does not increase your risk for it, so your risk is the same as everyone else - 5% over your lifetime. A first degree relative with colon cancer raises the risk to 10%. You cannot protect your colon .The only risk factors you have control over that you can avoid is a diet high in fat and low in fiber, smoking, asbestos exposure and anal sex. You can also start screening in 20-30 years when you are supposed to.
2 :
Watch your diet, lay off the junk, etc. you can tell that you get it when you have stomach pains & when you poop starts thinning out.

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