Saturday, November 1, 2008

My husband has advanced colon cancer and gets sudden violent chills and shaking but no fever - why

My husband has advanced colon cancer and gets sudden violent chills and shaking but no fever - why?
He was fine when he went to bed and 30 minutes later woke up freezing cold and shaking so much that his whole body ached.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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I am afraid the cancer cells also affect the immune system, which can lead to a sudden fever developing, as well as chills or unexplained body aches. Don't go spending money on LDN whatever you may read online. Speak to your husband's doctors about it first... "Existing research on LDN use in cancer is very limited. LDN is currently being used mainly as a result of findings reported by Dr. Bihari from his own practice and indirect scientific evidence. Our experience indicates that LDN can be a useful part of a cancer treatment program in properly selected patients. Due to the small number of patients treated, we have not yet observed results comparable to Dr. Biharii’s (he has treated over 450 cancer patients). One of the issues with LDN is that cancer patients frequently require opiate medication for pain control, and LDN will interfere with these medications resulting in uncontrolled pain. LDN may be considered for patients who do not use opiates or who infrequently use shot-acting opiates. For patients taking any form of controlled-release opiate, opiate patch, pain pump or methadone, LDN should not be used." Go carefully. speak to your doctor.

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