Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is this Colon Cancer or something else

Is this Colon Cancer or something else?
I am 16 year old and i not sure if i have colon cancer it just that i look like about holding in your gas(fart) and it say something about higher risk on colon cancer. Then they say something about Bleeding when using the bathroom(number 2) but i don't bleed and the only reason i think i have it cause it hard for me to use the bathroom. is it because i don't drink a lot of water? or eat heathy? I dont think it run in the family? can it be that i dont drink alot of water?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Look I am not a Dr. but I would try drinking some fiber and see about a stool softener before I would freak out and say I had cancer. You are most likely constipated. If not then you might want to see the doctor about it.Hope the fiber works, Peace
2 :
It's wildly unlikely that you have cancer. It's quite likely that you just have a bit of garden-variety constipation. I recommend drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and taking at least a twenty-minute walk after dinner each evening.
3 :
I don!t think you have a colon cancer,You have a colon spasm which is holding gas,condition is known as hurried bowel syndrome.Take more fruits & vegetables in diet,plenty of water orally.learn to relax.Admiral V K Singh

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