Thursday, July 12, 2012

Colon Cancer Stage 2

Colon Cancer Stage 2?
My Frined has Colon Cancer, Stage 2,,,,,,what are his chances of survival??
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
He has an excellent prognosis, assuming he receives the recommended follow-up treatment after surgical removal of the cancer. Many of the newest chemotherapy drugs to have come onto the market during recent years have targeted colon cancer and they've been quite effective.
2 :
Good chances. At stage 2 colon cancer and at stage 3, chemotherapy is "adjuvant", meaning it is done to prevent recurrence, not obliterate a present-tumour. Depending on the exact circumstances in stage 2 (size of tumour, type of tumour) they may not even recommend chemotherapy. In many stage 2 colon ca, surgery alone is effective.
3 :
Very good. Stage two cancer is still pretty early stages. It's 4 and 5 that are so bad.Best wishes to your friend.
4 :
I am a stage 2 colon cancer victim, and I am still alive after almost 3 years. Your friend's chance of surviving and even to outlived you is very high, by the grace of God, tell your friend to have faith in God , change his.her style of living, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, always smile, pray hard and it really works, live his/her life everyday, avoid being stress by worrying too much, have a happy desposition everyday, avoid getting angry at anyone or just don't get angry anymore, forgive yourself and start asking forgiveness. God Bless us all.

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