Saturday, April 16, 2011

Colon cancer at your teen years

Colon cancer at your teen years?
is it possible to have colon cancer when you are a teenager? or is it only for older adults? My brother (14 years old) have confessed to me that he bleeds when he poops, i checked online and what came out was colon it possible for him to have it? (by the way, there isn't family members known who have colon cancer)
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's probably an anal fissure. Drink more water, eat more veggies-- soften the goods!
2 :
YOU NEVER KNOW> Get your mom to take him to the doc. Could be polyps. Which given time, can turn cancerous. I knew a womangirl) who had colon cancer at 23. She died at 31. Get your bro to a doc, if for nothing else, peace of mind.
3 :
I seriously doubt that it is colon cancer. It sounds like a case of internal hemorrhoids but only a doctor can diagnose. The best way to control the symptoms is to make sure your brother is getting enough fiber in his diet to soften the poop and avoid straining: veggies, fruit, whole grain bread. Good luck at the doc's office.

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