Thursday, September 16, 2010

While going through Chemo for Colon cancer, weekly blood work is being done

While going through Chemo for Colon cancer, weekly blood work is being done.?
Will this blood work show if the cancer is still there or if it has even traveled?
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, it will not. The blood work is being done to check your blood counts, sugar counts, toxicity levels among numerous other things. You will get scans, CT scans or PET scans on a regular interval based on the doctors recommendations. For me about ever three months.
2 :
The blood work is to assess the functionality of the patient's organs, rbc, wbc, and platelet levels. The concern is that the chemotherapy may cause damage to the body, so that is the purpose of the monitoring. The status of the colon cancer will be primarily assessed through periodic medical imaging of the effected area and surrounding abdominal cavity.

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