Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Dad just had colon cancer. They removed the cancer, but they had to install a bag, his intestines to thin

My Dad just had colon cancer. They removed the cancer, but they had to install a bag, his intestines to thin,?
Repeat, they said his intestines to thin to staple together. I believe he thinks they can get rid of the bag if his intestines get thicker. He thinks they can give him another surgery and fix the colon to be " normal again." He wants me to find out, how can he get his intestines thicker? Does this make sense?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The bag is called a colostomy bag and in many cases it can become reversible. Just tell your dad to heal well. There is nothing else he can do about this other than when his intestine has been repaired and is safe to reverse the colostomy.
2 :
I just had colon cancer too and they removed 12 inches of my colon. I was lucky and didn't need a colostomy bag. They did inform me the I might have a bag when I wake up it they ran into problems, but that they would be able to reverse it after everything healed. I hope for your dad they they are just waiting for him to heal up after his surgery. Keep your spirits up .....at least they got the cancer. Good health to your dad.
3 :
The bag can be reversed, mine was reversed after a while. The reason they wait is so the colon can heal fully. I've never heard about a thin colon, but I'm assuming its just a matter of waiting for it to heal. You should ask your doctor.

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