Friday, December 4, 2009

What is the most common manifestation of colon cancer

What is the most common manifestation of colon cancer?
i'm having abdominal discomfort. i dont have blood in my stool sometimes im constipated but my stool is not hard just a regular consistency and shape and color but sometimes just small amount last month i had my stool test and showed amoeba and so took medicine as prescribed for almost two month i'm having this discomfort i always want to release flatus or defacate but most of the time its hard or is it just psychological effect coz i always think about it. i feel im bloated or im not really sure if im bloated its just that im not comfortable with my abdomen. im a 3rd year nursing student im so busy and always stressed before i experienced this symptoms i always eat fatty and less fiber food, im fond of eating bread and bean i seldom eat fruits and i dont exercise coz i font have time. pls help me ans my question.... thanks
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go have a high colonic. Don't laugh or be embarrassed, this procedure is very helpful. Some massage therapists offer this service.
2 :
Usually Colon CA manifests in blood in the stool, dark tarry stools or occult blood in the stool. Occassionally you will find an unexplained anemia and should then go looking for a GI bleed (CA or not). Doing invasive tests such as a colonoscopy will confirm or refute your concerns but they are not without risk a colon perforation - which is potentially life threatening. I would only recommend such a test if you were in a high risk category (a very strong family history and concerning symptoms - like occult blood in the stool) or were older than age 50 and never had one. I once saw in a medical school bathroom the following graffiti: "Its finals week. All I wish for is a normal bowel movement." I think sort of sums up your experiences. Especially when you don't have time, are stressed and probably sleep deprived is when you need to take the time to take care of your body. If the machine breaks down, then where would you be? Figure out how to do the right things for yourself - it is a matter of time management and prioritizing that which is most important. You will find throughout your career plenty of things which will distract you from taking care of yourself...don't let them. Start with the high fiber stuff - fruits and whole grained breads. Add Metamucil if you need to. Beware that suddenly adding fiber to your diet will probably make things worse at first (3 weeks) so do it judiciously. After that you can be more liberal with the fiber and have fewer bad effects (bloating, flatulence) and better more regular bowel movements. Also try adding any type of yogurt to your diet. You may have a bacterial imbalance after your amoeba treatment. By the way, high colonics have no clinical studies to demonstrate their effecacy. Good luck.
3 :
You really need to have a colonoscopy. If nothing else, the cleansing process needed beforehand will get you all cleaned out and maybe the bloated feeling will go away! Colon cancer starts from polyps, and if they don't finde any polyps, you're good to go, as it were...
4 :
GI bleeding very common in colon cancer. Get U/S gallbladder. Easy to do, and you want to rule it out anyway.

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