Thursday, October 8, 2009

My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is survival rate

My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is survival rate?
My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is the survival rate? Im very concerned/scared.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Adam the first thing to remember when going through cancer with someone is that Hope is the last to die. So remain hopeful for a good strong recovery and put your worries into the hands of a higher power that is part of your journey. I believe the lesson in fighting cancer is the awareness of time and how to spend it with each other. Suddenly the most important tasks come to the top of your list and the meanless task list can be thrown away. So to answer your question. The survival rate is dependent upon the individual fighting the disease, gettting them to the best care facilities and remaining optimistic that your partner will live another 50 years. If we all wake up to see tomorrow, know you are blessed.
2 :
Cancer is staged from 1 to 4; stage 1 is when it is in an early stage and has not spread and stage 4 is when it has spread thru all of the layers of the colon and has metastasized to other sites in the body. Stage 3 is serious; but even the best predictors of survival cannot determine how long an individual will live. The information you need should be provided by your oncologist. Sit down with the doctor and your partner and have an open conversation. Learn about how others with the same prognosis have coped.
3 :
I think your partner needs to contact the drug company Amgen thru his Oncologist about a trial of Vectibix. It is a new monoclonal antibody which is used when other treatment has failed. As a matter of fact it is only used if other treatment has failed. It does cause a rash and makes your eye lashes grow like crazy. PS; I am an Oncology nurse and he may not survive the cancer, but this drug will buy him some time. God bless you and I hope you look into this.

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