Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How could anal sex cause anal/colon/rectal cancer

How could anal sex cause anal/colon/rectal cancer?
So recently one of my friends told me that anal sex could cause cancer. My question is exactly what I asked: how could that possibly work? It reminds me of the whole "wearing a bra while you sleep could cause breast cancer" claim (which isn't true). I understand that HPV can cause certain types of cancer, but how could anal sex directly cause it? Can just pressure and contact really affect that?
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
i think HPV can only affect your throat because your cervix in the throat is similiar to the cervix of your vagina. i dont really think anal could cause cancer unless the condoms, lube or bacteria could affect the tissue.
2 :
Lol no anel sex does not cause cancer. You get that if someone else has an STD and it can lead to cancer. Like the singer from queen. He was gay and had alot of sex. he got AIDS and it turned into colon cancer. You cant just get cancer like that. the guy would have to have something.
3 :
this is a question for your doctor, This is an interesting atricle with some good facts.
4 :
Well nothing is really suppose to go up there, especially that big. I've never heard that but I assume that the forceful penetration that is required causes tears in the lining which over time can cause cancer. My theory is coming from what happens when a person doesn't get enough fiber in their diet and their waste has trouble moving through their bowels, which causes damage. I don't know how that develops into cancer but I know that it does. I'm guessing it has something to do with the PH in the intestine.
5 :
No one knows what causes cancer – period, but we do know sex of any kind does not cause any type of cancer. Most cancers have known risk factors. Smoking is a risk for lung and bladder cancers. Starting your period before the age of 12 or menopause after the age of 55 are risk factors for breast cancer. Sun exposure is a risk for skin cancer, etc. etc. However, a risk factor is not the cause. Having one or more risk factors increases your risk for that cancer it doesn’t mean you will get it. Anal sex is a risk factor for anal/rectal cancers due to getting HPV from anal sex. We know this because anal/rectal cancers are the only colon cancers that test positive for HPV and these cancers tend to occur at a much younger age than most colon cancer patients. This is one reason why the HPV vaccine will likely be recommended for males soon and I’m sure the narrow minded people in this country will be in a uproar over it. I also believe at some point sigmoidoscopies will be recommended for high risk groups as a screening exam for these cancers.
6 :
The friction does not cause it. However anal cancer (which is different from rectal cancer- anal cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, while rectal cancer is adenocarcinoma) is similar to cervical cancer in that it is generally caused by HPV, which is a sexually transmitted disease. HPV affects the anal canal similar to the way it affects the cervix. However you don't have to have anal sex to get anal cancer. Having had an HPV infection at anytime (even from vaginal sex) is a risk factor. However, anal sex does increase the likelihood that the anal canal would be affected. There is no relationship between anal sex and rectal cancer.
7 :
andy??? No, there is no "cervix" in your throat, look up anatomy books :) HPV causes cancer of the Cervix in women (muscular entry to the womb) hence the HPV vaccine recently. This is also thought to be responsible for other cancers including prostate and testicular (yes, it is a sexually transmitted disease, which is why PAP smears are not performed on virgins and why cervical cancer is extremely rare in nuns :) ). HPV is also linked to other cancers such as oesophagus and stomach. (no, not due to contact with body fluids in the oesophagus - but due to the spread of HPV though the body). The "cervix" you are refering to for the throat...I think you mean the "cervical spine" right? This is the vertebra (bone) in your neck - the first 7 vertebral bones of the spine are called the "cervical spine" - then you have the thoracic spine and lumbar spine. This is nothing like the female cervix (which is muscular - not bone) and therefore not at all related. The term "cervix" just means "neck" - obvious where this comes from for the spine, and as for female cervix, it means the "neck" of the vagina/womb. HPV is not thought to affect bone by the way - and most bone cancer is actually secondary metastatic spread from another primary site - such as breast cancer which has "gone" to the bones.
8 :
Anal sex does not cause cancer - many respectable medical sites debunk this myth.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why God let my mom die of colon cancer slowly an painfully

Why God let my mom die of colon cancer slowly an painfully?

Religion & Spirituality - 22 Answers
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1 :
No, that's all the devil's work.
2 :
Aww, didn't he explain it to you while you were praying. God doesn't care.
3 :
So she can externally be in heaven this rule is so cruel so you get in what you put out
4 :
what did your mom do to make God be partial to her as apposed to any other mothers out there? Don't blame God. Besides, your mom is in Heaven with God where there is no pain or cancer or any deceases. 2Cr 5:8 We are confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord.
5 :
Maybe because God doesn't exist??
6 :
It was not was cancerous cells spread beyond any possible treatment My mom died of metastasis from a Grawitz of the deadliest forms of cancer
7 :
your assuming that there is a god. why not first ask if there is a god.
8 :
You've got a few possible answers: 1) God does not exist. 2) God does not care about suffering. 3) God cares, and wishes he could help, but he isn't powerful enough to. 4) God cares, and wishes he could help, but massive suffering, going on for months, is somehow a required part of some mysterious plan he has that no one can adequately explain. 5) God actually enjoys seeing people suffer.
9 :
I don't know, and I'm sorry you lost your mom. I simply don't know why God allows things like this!
10 :
I'm sorry about your mom, I truly am.
11 :
God does not exist so can't do a single thing apart from entertain infants. The medical profession allowed your mother to die, they have know the cause and cures for ALL diseases decades ago. Cancer is easy to cure. Simply raise the bodies ph to 7. Cancer cells cannot survive in a ph over 6.5. The simple cheap cure is vitamin C and oxygenating the body. Nobel prize winning research totally ignored in favor of expensive drugs and surgeries. All the better to fleece you of your money. Western medicine is a money making racket, nothing more. It is the single biggest killer of its own people by far. Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
12 :
Trust me on this, you will be less tormented about your mother's death if you keep questioning why "God" allowed it to happen. Just accept that sometimes the body goes wrong for one reason or another.
13 :
read The Cancer Industry by Dr Ralph Moss and do not let it happen to you
14 :
I understand your pain and anguish. There's not many of us who haven't been affected by a loved one's death and ask questions. The simplistic answer I can give you is we don't live in heaven. Earth doesn't and never will come even close to heaven. Bad things happen to good people. Natural laws were put into motion at the time of creation and those laws govern this world. All flesh will die. God never promised He's allow us to live a sick-free life. He did promise spiritual life, never physical life. God even tells us how short this life is on earth. It's very confusing for some people. There are so many false prophets out there who teach God heals everything from a headache to cancer, but the truth is God never promised us that. He did promise to heal our sin-sick hearts(hearts filled with plagues of unrighteousness).
15 :
Listen there's not such a thing like god. you'll have to learn to stand on your own feet, and not allow any fictional being control your life. what happened to you and your mom, was a misfortune. bad things happen, live with it. the loss of a person so dear as your mother sure is devastating but you're not alone in this, you have your relatives, your family, and your friends support you throughout this.
16 :
I don't believe in God but if I did, I would have to say that the reason God allows suffering is so that we will know good when we experience it. How would you know to enjoy a sunny day if you never had to endure a rainy day? How would you know how great it is to have your mother alive and with you if you didn't know that some people lose their mothers and suffer from their absence? Having said that, we are all in a cruel lottery of sorts. Some of us get cancer and some don't. Some die and some don't. None of us are so special that we can avoid taking part in this lottery. That's just the way it is. I'm sorry you lost your mom. I lost my husband to cancer too.
17 :
-Im sorry for your loss,it is never easy to lose a parent,i lost both of mine at the first of the year,it wasnt connected because they lived over 300 miles apart.i find myself wondering why would god do this to me and my sons,if he takes my parents to heaven to be with him then why are we here still suffering,it makes no sense to me at all.
18 :
Because her work here was done and it was time to go home. Death is our exit strategy. It scares us so we seldom see it as pretty. Love and blessings Don
19 :
My first husband died from colon cancer when my children were small. He also suffered before his passing. As sad as it was, you can't blame God. We all are going to die of something, we all face death. God does allow pain and suffering. It's for a purpose. Sickness makes us to turn to him. It causes us to fall on our knees and seek his face. I know when my husband was dying of cancer, all I could do day and night was pray. Through everything I've been thru in life is has made me a stronger person. It's the same with anyone. God makes no mistakes. We have to trust him and the way he guides our lives.
20 :
I am sorry to hear of your loss and understand the grievous nature of cancer. Sometimes I try to answer a question when really I do not know or never will know the answer. In a case like this one I stick to what i do know; that God is first loving merciful and kind. I know that this life is but a second to prepare us for the next which is eternal .t Christ was perfect and guiltless and bore the suffering and pain for all of our sins so we could enter the next one fre from pain selfishness, greed lust corruption sickness envy, guile pride arrogance contempt and one the like and allow us to be where God dwells in a new body created for fellowship with God and each other in a dimension full of joy peace love,gentleness meekness Holiness and those who enter into this rest will never suffer again, because none deserve to enter and Christ paid the entry for us all . In this He demonstrated a love that i can not question. Death is a consequence of sin but Jesus overcame death and promises eternal life. Why your mom went through what she did I do not know but God is love.
21 :
Often the same people who ask where GOD was following a disaster thanklessly refuse to worship and honor Him for years of peace and calmness. They disregard God in good times yet think He is obligated to provide help when bad times come. Dont call into question Gods attributes of mercy and compassion. Call into question the mess that we made of the earth in wich we live. When God created it, it wasn't inteded to be this way. The beauty that's in this world was God's idea. The mess was ours. And now, when we look around and see a world cursed by sin, and we see judgement in that world..we blame God.
22 :
He didn't. He had nothing to do with it. My mom also died of colon cancer. My only sister died of breast cancer four years ago. Two years ago my husband died a horrible death from lung cancer. Seven months later my only daughter died of pulmonary hypertension. Seven months later I lost my sight in my left eye. Another seven months went by and I lost my job. And my home. i do not blame God at all. The Bible says that Satan is the ruler of the world right now. You can plainly see that in what is happening in our lives and in the world. Soon Jehovah God will take back rule of the earth from Satan and will restore it to the paradise he intended it to be in the beginning. Then there will be no more sickness, pain or death. God will more than make it up to those who have suffered in this world. Imagine your mom and others who have died being resurrected to a beautiful world where there is no hate, war, crime. How wonderful she will feel. To be there when she wakes up, go to to see what God requires of us now in this life.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can long term cronic constipation caused by strong narcotic pain medication eventually cause colon cancer

Can long term cronic constipation caused by strong narcotic pain medication eventually cause colon cancer?
Ive been on oxycontin for 6 years now. The doctor prescribes me laxatives but they dont really help and ive tried everything else. Sometimes ill be constipated for 4 or 5 days. Im worried this might hurt my insides because the waste is allowed to rot inside.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Just drink some Prune juice on a regular bases and quit worrieing
2 :
The answer to your question is no, chronic opiate induced constipation will not cause colon cancer. However you could get a bowel blockage that might require a trip to the ER. To give you short term relief from your constipation use Miralax as directed, once or twice daily until you can achieve daily bowel movements. This might take a week for consistent results. Miralax was a previously by RX only laxative especially for opiate induced constipation and may be used every day indefinitely but it is relatively expensive. To cure your chronic constipation start by adding a quarter cup or more of raisins to your diet every morning along with a couple glasses of water, coffee, tea, fluid. Mixing the raisins with whole grain cereal will also help. Add a couple apples and some prunes or prune juice to your daily diet also. Do not skip any days eating these items and the more you eat the quicker you will get results. Also - buy a large container of Fibersure and add however many tablespoons needed daily to keep your bowels working properly. Mix the Fibersure with water, juice, soup or other fluid and drink a dose 2 or 3 times daily. I guarantee that if you eat the items above, drink enough water and take enough Fibersure each and every day your constipation will be a bad memory in a short period of time. Walgreen's sells a generic for Fibersure for less than 10 bucks a bottle. good luck
3 :
Yes, it is possible that constipation can eventually cause bowel/colon cancer because the toxins set in your bowels so long. Have you tried Miralax? The generic name is Polyethylene Glycol. This is a powder you mix with a drink. Miralax is available over-the-counter and the generic is available by prescription. How about Senokot-S taken at least twice a day? I have chronic constipation caused by the medications I take, too. So far, the only thing that has worked for me continuously is Miralax. My insurance will pay for the generic by prescription, so that is what I use. Oh yah, and I also mix it in the juice PlumSmart, which helps with the problem too. PlumSmart is in the bottled juice aisle at the grocery store.
4 :
Andee is right about the connection between constipation and colon cancer, resulting from accumulation of intestinal toxins - but please don't use Miralax, it has so many debilitating long-term side effects! (See the Miralax Yahoo Group for details).

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Risk of colon cancer at 29 yrs old

Risk of colon cancer at 29 yrs old?
My dad was digonised with stage4 colon cancer. He's going to be starting chemo in a few weeks. Some family members have been telling me that Im going to need get tested which I figured so it was no shock. Does anyone know what the chances of myself getting it would be? I dont have any signs. Everything I read said to get tested at 50yrs old. Should I run out to the doc and get tested right away?? Thanks!
Cancer - 12 Answers
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1 :
We can't tell you that, Get tested, The test will tell. Don't worry though. Best of luck!
2 :
I would in the next couple of months. If you do the quicker the doctors catch it the better your chances are. good luck to you I'll pray for your father
3 :
No, you should have your first test at 29-31, then a second test @ 5-7 years later....a family history does make you more suceptible, so waiting until 50 is not recommended....but it will cost you.....not usually covered until 45-50 with family runs about 750.00 here. You might also see if your doctor will label it as though you are having medical issues (such as rectal bleeding)....this can cut down your expenses greatly, b/c insurance co's. will see this as a necessary procedure in that case. good luck! <<mom died of colon cancer at 50.
4 :
You should bring it up to your doctor and let him know you have a family history of colon cancer because it does raise your risk of getting it. You are still a little too young for colon cancer but it isn't unheard of at your age. Cancer does happen at any age. Wish you and your family well.
5 :
Might not be a bad idea to pop down and see Dr. Jellyfinger. I believe colon cancer can be hereditary. Good luck to you,and your dad.
6 :
No. Its probably really not necessary for you. Barium Enema is the method they would use, and its not fun, if anything its painful. You can probably prevent colon cancer by eating fibre, bran, oats, plums or plum butter, apples, etc...everyday, and don't eat red-meat EVERYDAY. Also eat yogurt occasionally to support good bacteria, don't let toxic stuff stay in your system for long. Eat less meat, you don't have to eat meat every day to survive. Sorry to hear about your dad. I wish the best of results at conquering his problem outright! Many years to come! Get books on foods that prevent cancer, and balance your foods accordingly.
7 :
Listen to me.... you will need to be tested at age 40 unless you have symptoms earlier..... that's what the oncologist (cancer Dr) told my sisters and me when our father was diagnosed.....he died.... anyway go to the Dr's visits with him help around his house,reminisce with him,just down right be there. You'll regret it if you aren't. GIVE HIM YOUR TIME. That's all he'll want from you anyway. I have never regretted being with my father every step of the way through the whole 4 year ordeal..It was a long hard road with many ups and downs. The chemo may make him sick. It will make him weak and he may loose his hair. Contact the American Cancer Society for More info and the can also help find newer treatments and Dr's. I hope I helped...
8 :
There's no lasting harm in getting checked out. You'd rather catch anything before it becomes a problem. Be proactive, thats what i think and get it checked out.
9 :
A colonoscopy is a simple procedure that can be done to ensure everything is clear and ease your mind. In Ontario, Canada, the government is encouraging people to get tested and they are covering the cost to have the procedure done. You're probably fine if you don't have any of the symptoms, but always better to be safe than sorry. It's done as an outpatient procedure and you're in and out in about 3 hours.
10 :
When he starts chemo, go with him. Talk to the oncologist. I am considerably older than 29, but my father had a history of colon cancer. My wife had colon cancer, and we once met her surgeon in an informal session.(Cancer open house at the hospital)) She mentioned to her surgeon, my father had colon cancer, and her surgeon was all over me to get a colonoscope. I relented, and had one. 7 polyps.All precancerous. You must be a mind reader. today I get a post card from the same surgeon. Time to call for an appt. As long as he finds polyps, it means " see you next year"" -------------------------------- By the way, a Barium enema will show any growths or polyps, but if any are found, the dr still has to use the scope to go in and get them. So, why not just have a scope and be done with it? This surgeon specializes in cancer, and he is doing my scopes as a favor to my wife.I could use a Gastroenetrologist, but this dr does over 500 a year, so he's not new at it.
11 :
get tested, better to be safe than sorry. if you have a family history it can affect you at any age. i'm 20 and i have it.
12 :
see a doctor and ask for their recommendation. if you don't have a genetic test at least try to get a screening. my dad got it at 48. i got it at 31. it can run in families. it does in mine. the earlier you catch it the better.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Is there a treatment for skin sores and iching from colon cancer.

Is there a treatment for skin sores and iching from colon cancer.?
I have rectal cancer stage 4, I've had chem.and rad. treatment, and now iam breaking out in sores iand iching almost out of control.I have not had any treatment in 11 months.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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2 :
Are we talking about the rectal area? You can try a sitz bath to help with the sores. You can buy one that fits over the toilet or you can just sit in a bathtub with a low level of water. You can buy saline solution or make it yourself by adding 2 tsps. salt (10mls) to every Litre (1000 mls) of water. Saline is more soothing than water. The temperature should be luke warm. Try not to use hot water because it dries out the skin which will probably make it more itchy. Warm water will increase vasoconstriction and may decrease itching. Do not add bath oils or other products to water. A hand held shower with a gentle spray or bathtub may be appropriate alternatives. Maximum 10 - 15 minutes, repeat up to 4 times a day and/or after each bowel movement. Gently pat area dry with a soft towel or expose area to room air. It might be a good idea to visit your doctor too. They may be able to prescribe some cream for you to use over the affected area. Hope this helps.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is survival rate

My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is survival rate?
My partner has stage III colon cancer. Chemo no longer works and is now on radiation. What is the survival rate? Im very concerned/scared.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Adam the first thing to remember when going through cancer with someone is that Hope is the last to die. So remain hopeful for a good strong recovery and put your worries into the hands of a higher power that is part of your journey. I believe the lesson in fighting cancer is the awareness of time and how to spend it with each other. Suddenly the most important tasks come to the top of your list and the meanless task list can be thrown away. So to answer your question. The survival rate is dependent upon the individual fighting the disease, gettting them to the best care facilities and remaining optimistic that your partner will live another 50 years. If we all wake up to see tomorrow, know you are blessed.
2 :
Cancer is staged from 1 to 4; stage 1 is when it is in an early stage and has not spread and stage 4 is when it has spread thru all of the layers of the colon and has metastasized to other sites in the body. Stage 3 is serious; but even the best predictors of survival cannot determine how long an individual will live. The information you need should be provided by your oncologist. Sit down with the doctor and your partner and have an open conversation. Learn about how others with the same prognosis have coped.
3 :
I think your partner needs to contact the drug company Amgen thru his Oncologist about a trial of Vectibix. It is a new monoclonal antibody which is used when other treatment has failed. As a matter of fact it is only used if other treatment has failed. It does cause a rash and makes your eye lashes grow like crazy. PS; I am an Oncology nurse and he may not survive the cancer, but this drug will buy him some time. God bless you and I hope you look into this.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Colon cancer with a mass in the lung

Colon cancer with a mass in the lung?
It's stage 3 in colon and 4 in the lung. The doctor decided to use Folfax oxaliplatin and capecitabine also called xalada. Is this a good option? Well I guess I would like to know side effects of this treatment...
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Each patient's treatment plan is tailored to suit specifics of their case by their oncologist. Without a complete medical history and copies of any biopsy reports and other tests, it would be totally irresponsible for someone to recommend any treatment other than the one advised by the treating oncologist.
2 :
Everyone is different when it comes to treatment options. Research the most you can and be proactive. Some may go for a more natural option or trust their doctor. But your cancer can be beat and be strong!
3 :
I guess you're referring to the Folfox treatment regimen, including Xeloda. Whether it's effective or not depends on whole number of things, such as how the body reacts, and the "type" of cancer cells. (Cancer cells mutate when they duplicate, which means that some treatments can be effective because they affect a particular set of mutations, while other aren't effective against them). There's some information on cancer and treatments at which you might like to have a look at.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Colon Cancer please help and answer

Colon Cancer please help and answer?
someone in my family has Colon Cancer they just found out. Doctors say its been growing for a year but we dont know what stage it is at. She is an older woman, in her 60s, what is her chance at living/beating the cancer? ty for your help.
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
asked 9 minutes ago. Im surprised. I too in fact just found out an hour or 2 ago that my grandmother has gotten colon cancer. I came onto the internet as soon as i found out to figure out as much as i could on the subject. From what i've read on several differant websites is that the treatments needed to keep it under control are very hard on elderly people. My grandmother is 81 and they said they wouldn't treat her because it would do more harm than good. For only being in 60's they probably would treat her. I don't know if your religious but if i were you i would pray about it. God and the human race are stronger than cancer. We can and will beat it eventually. So just hold on and don't give up hope. I'll pray for her.

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