Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Im 13 year old boy i think i have colon cancer

Im 13 year old boy i think i have colon cancer?
ok after ive been eating or drinking something like sodas i get this pain in my stomach get gas but if i eat something fruit or drink water it doesnt do that my weight is ok and i had a doctors check up and nothing! and it hurts to use the bathroom some thimes i see a little blood please help me! do i have cancer! i cry sometimes cause im scared!
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
...Er. I highly, highly doubt you have colon cancer. Or any form of cancer like that. Considering that if you drink lots of sodas, it could be a UTI(Urinary Track Infection). In that case, you'll need to inform a parent or a guardian so you can get the proper medicines to get rid of it. However, I suggest that you tell a parent or a guardian anyway, as you're obviously panicking over this quite a bit. The faster you inform an adult that can take proper medical measures, the faster this'll blow over.:3
2 :
13 year-olds do not get colon cancer. If you know soda causes problems for you stop drinking them. If you see blood sometimes you need to change your diet and should talk to your mom about your symptoms.

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