Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My mom has stage 4 colon cancer..whats the chance of survival

My mom has stage 4 colon cancer..whats the chance of survival...?
shes 72 years old and diagnosed with colon cancer last september of 2007...if u have any information or related issue,please share it....thanks....
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
Stage 4 colon cancer is the most serious form of colon cancer. In stage 4 colon cancer the cancer cells have grown into the lymph nodes as well as other areas of the body. In stage 4 colon cancer the cells have grown into several layers of the body’s tissues and other organs. . There is hope for colon cancer at stage 4 level. A procedure called a surgical resection can be performed to take out the area that has been affected with this cancer. The other parts of the colon are joined together to allow somewhat proper function in the person that the surgery is performed upon. Chemotherapy is used as well as radiation to ensure no new growth of cancer cells. The survival rate is around 12% in those with stage 4 colon cancer. This is the percentage of people that are still around following five years of a past diagnosis with this type of cancer. The major factors that affect a person’s rate of survival are: colon screenings, which colon area is affected, how far the cancer has spread, and the country of the person’s residence. http://stage4coloncancer.info/ http://health.msn.com/centers/cancer/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100072660 ______________________ Here is a colon cancer forum link, some threads deal with Stage 4 specifically, you might like to check it out too: http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?nav=messages&tsn=1&tid=68&webtag=ab-coloncancer __________________ Cancer Centers of America has a 24 hour hotline listed below, where you can call & discuss best treatment options or any cancer question you may have: Contact an Oncology Information Specialist at CTCA by calling 1-800-615-3055, or chat with us online by following this link: Exploring Your Cancer Treatment Options. Available 24 hours a day to discuss your treatment options and answer your questions. http://www.cancercenter.com/stage-4-colon-cancer-prognosis.htm __________________ Here's an additional link to any clinical trials being done in the country for Colon Cancer patients: http://clinicaltrials.coh.org/specific_result.aspx?dise=0&category=1012&age=&protgroup=DT&phase=&gender=&keyword1=&frmexact= http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials I am sorry to hear about your Mom, I know how helpless you may feel. at times. When my father was going through his cancer treatment, I was blessed by lots of helpful e-friends, who sent me a a wealth of information & helpful sites. Education is so important & empowering when you & your family face such tough questions. I am listing some sites below, that I found extremely helpful: http://www.mdanderson.org/cancer_pro/ http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/colon-cancer/DS00035 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/colon/patient/allpages/print#Section_177 http://livingwith.oncologychannel.com/colorectal-cancer/ http://www.eclevelandclinic.org/eCCHome.jsp http://www.cancercompass.com/message-board/message/all,11874,0.htm http://dailystrength.org/c/Colon-Cancer/support-group I would also recommend getting in touch with one of the Oncology Social Workers affiliated with the hospital. They can be extremely helpful with anything from general info, homecare services, excellent Oncologists to get 2nd opinions from, Radiologists, and local support groups. I hope this info helps, Good luck, your family will be in my prayers.
2 :
There are lots of websites for things like this. One I found is http://coloncancer.about.com/od/stagesandsurvivalrate1/a/Stage4ColonCanc.htm. Another is http://health-cancertreatment.blogspot.com/2007/12/stage-4-colon-cancer-even-at-this-stage.html. I STRONGLY urge you to do some of your own internet searching and find an online support group for patients and their families. When I had testicular cancer ten years ago, I was scared, of course, and being able to exchange information and experiences with other people who had gone through the same thing was one of the main things that got me through it. (NOTE: I don't know why Yahoo chops off those URL's but you can find them yourself by googling "colon cancer" "Stage 4" survival. )
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Look up B17 http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=b17
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well if she goes on regal treatment then the chances are less hen 3 percent. but if she do regular yoga hen her cervical rate should be more hen 40 percent. just a few days ago i read an interesing article on his subject on this site http://cancer-symptoms-and-treatments.blogspot.com/
5 :
my sister was diagnose in Apr. of 2004 at age 44 with stage 4 colon cancer that had metasticized into her lymph nodes and lungs. She was given an expectancy of 22 mths. She is still going, but is slowly losing the battle. My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in July of 2007. His had already spread to his stomach lining, pelvic lining, liver, intestines and bowel..he died Sept. 5, 2007.
6 :
first of all dont listen to these stupid people, there is NO WAY they can tell about your mom, and stage 4 have a bleak survival rate BUT its not a death sentence, I know many many people who were given 6 months ( they say that based on past stats) but most of them are cancer free today, so just let the doctors do thier work and hope for the best
7 :
Rather then send you to a website with information you could've looked up on your own a more simple way of saying things is that when something is stage 4 it means that the cancer has spread more then just in the colon. lymph nodes ect... other organs.. My uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2003 with several surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and study drug treatments he lived until December of 2007 finally dying after the cancer spread everywhere. The chance of it being CURED is almost nothing, but there is hope for living several years. My uncle Tony had more faith then any man I'd ever met, he fought with everything he had for those few years. He died 3 days before his 45th birthday. Up until a few days before he died he worked everyday. The most important thing is to believe in yourself to fight, and have supportive people around you. It can kill quickly, but I personally believe life ALWAYS has a chance. I'll keep your mom in my prayers! I wish you the best of luck.... PS- When my uncle was diagnosed they gave him 6 months to a year.... he lived four years.
8 :
Stage 4 of any cancer is bad news. Lance Armstrong survived Stage 4 testicular cancer, but that is a very curable cancer. For your mother, the chances of her surviving the cancer and the treatment are not very high, at any age. For Stage 4 colon cancer, the 5-year survival rate is 5%.
9 :
I, like many others have experienced the devestation of colon cancer. My husband lasted 22 months and we traveled extensively so he could get the "latest and greatest" treatments. He even was a guinea pig for breaking clinical trials. He was the bravest man I know. My concern is for you though. Colon cancer is hereditary and now that your mom has been diagnosed, it may be time for you to get checked also. The same for your children, depending on their age. The government says to get screened after 50, but you would be surprised at the people who have inherited the gene that get cancer as early as their late teens and early twenties. Good luck to you.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

What is the best medicine for colon cancer

What is the best medicine for colon cancer?

Cancer - 5 Answers
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A shotgun.
2 :
a 38
3 :
ok seriously have you been to the doctor or had a second opinion cancer of any kind should not be taken lightly. get on line look up colon cancer treatments and see if that helps you
4 :
a .22
5 :
I assume you mean medication not treatment? There is no “best medicine”. It is not a one size fits all situation. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration and this is usually where a doctor comes in handy.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Is colon cancer treatable

Is colon cancer treatable.?
I have read that colon cancer is very treatable but am confused on the outcome. I see people that say colon cancer can be treated and the 5 year servival rate is good. What does that mean. Do people that have colon cancer only live for a max of 5 years even if treated at an eary stage. Or can a long life be possible? Thanks for the help.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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it is treatable and if caught soon enough, you will survive for years.
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My father-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer a few months ago. The tumor had gone through the wall, but they were able to get all of the cancer during surgery. None of his lymph nodes showed any sign of cancer. His oncologist recommended chemotherapy just to be sure they got all of it. He's about 1/3 through his chemo at this time. There has not been any indication that he still has cancer. I hope this answers your question.
3 :
Colon cancer is one of the more treatable and PREVENTABLE diseases. All cancer survival depends on (1) how soon you are diagnosed, (2) your attitude about your illness and (3) the treatment you get for it. A 5-year survival rate means that most people live normal life-spans after being cancer-free for five years following treatment.
4 :
One "standard measure" of cancer treatments is the 5-year survival rate, ie how many patients are still cancer-free & living & breathing 5 years after treatment. Among cancers, colon cancer is one of the most "survivable" if it is caught and treated before it has spread much beyond the colon. The affected part of the intestine can be completely removed, and the "loose ends" sewed back together...
5 :
Colon cancer is very treatable IF it is caught early. It is the only cancer that can be cured during the screening exam. During a colonoscopy any polyp is removed and if cancer is found confined to the polyp you are cured. No chemo, no radiation, nothing and this often happens. However, many people are not so fortunate and the cancer is found when it is more advanced, in this case it can be deadly and not so treatable. No one can predict someone will only live 5 years. I think what you are referring to is the 5 year survival rate. This is static of how many people are still alive with the same stage of cancer 5 years after diagnosis. It has nothing to do with having a normal life or being cancer free. The 5 year survival rate for a stage 1 colon cancer is 95%, meaning 95% of the people with this stage are still alive in 5 years. However, at stage 4 the 5 year survival rate drops to only 5%. This is why people should have colonoscopies starting at age 50, if not indicated earlier.
6 :
Doctors don't know the causes of cancer, or 100% guaranteed treatments. So they can never say it is cured. So the measurement of success is "how many patients get to 5 years without dying". This is the 5 year survival rate. It's used for all cancers, not just colon cancer. Why 5 years? It's what has evolved over the years as the standard...it could have been 4 or 10, there is nothing special or meaningful about 5, but somehow 5 came out as the standard. So "the five year survival rate is good" means a lot of patients will reach 5 years without dying from their cancer. Some of these patients will have their cancer come back (but not die within 5 years), some will remain healthy for the 5 years and much longer. So yes, colon cancer patients can have a long life. It is not correct to say colon cancer patients only live a max of 5 years. That's just the time when the doctors stop recording the statistics!
7 :
my mother had colon cancer, and is still alive and kicking 25 years later, so yes a long life is possible.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can anyone tell me what are the symptoms of colon cancer, or how is it detected

Can anyone tell me what are the symptoms of colon cancer, or how is it detected?

Cancer - 6 Answers
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make an appointment and get a colonoscopy
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you could see blood while using the bathroom, but the only way that it can be diagnosed is to go in and see a gastroenterologist and have a colonoscopy done.
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It depends to the site of the tumor.the right sided tumors always present with nonspecific symptoms like anemia,but the tumors of the left colon can cause bleeding or obstruction.for diagnosis you can do some tests such as occult blood,CEA,barium enema and colonoscopy....
5 :
constipation, thin stool (like the bowels narrowed by a tumor), stomach cramps, bloody stools, unexplained weight lose, nausea and vomitting, sense of fullness, gas and bloating, lethargy. symptoms don't appear for years so it's important to eat right ad get regular screening. it can be detected by colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, or a fecal occult blood test.
6 :
In the early stages, colon cancer usually doesn't cause symptoms. When it does present with symptoms, it may cause a change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation), narrowing of the stools, blood in the stool, abdominal discomfort, and nausea. It is detected using a test called a colonoscopy in which a camera at the end of a tube is inserted through the rectum and pushed through the intestines. A biopsy is needed to confirm and determine what type of cancer cells are present, though.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Colon Cancer Questions

Colon Cancer Questions?
one of my real close person just found out that she has colon cancer for a year. She said she feel the symptom for the past couple months and thought it was no big deal.. shes having surgery in two more days and the doctor check her body and sooo far everything in her body is normal but they still have to wait till the surgery is done to see if the cancer has spread.... I just want to know where does the colon cancer first spreads to and if the cancer has spread yet.. im just very nervous and scared.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Colon cancer usually spreads to the liver first. I have no way of knowing if it has spread yet. Ther is no need to repeat your question.
2 :
Go to the colonclub.org

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Have had a resection of the colon and in the chemo treatment of the stage IV colon cancer. What happens next.

Have had a resection of the colon and in the chemo treatment of the stage IV colon cancer. What happens next.?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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Arthur k, Surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment for stage IV colon cancer. You indicate that you are in the chemo stage of treatment. I am not able to discuss this very fully as you have given no indication what you are taking. But the side effects of chemotherapy depend upon the drugs that are administered and how they are given. Following treatment, you should have regular blood tests to measure carcinoembryonic antigen, (CEA; a substance in the blood that may be increased when colon cancer is present), which may be done along with other tests to see if the cancer has come back. Your prognosis generally depends on the stage of your colon cancer at the time that it is removed. Colon cancer that is identified and treated early has the best prognosis. With stage IV colon cancer, 8 percent of patients are known to survive for five years or longer. Other factors that affect prognosis include tumour location, type of the cancer cells, and the patterns of molecular or genetic abnormalities that cause the cancer. However, none of these is used routinely to predict outcome after treatment. ALL ANSWERS SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED, IN ANY FORUM AND ESPECIALLY IN THIS ONE. - MANY ANSWERS ARE FLAWED. It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms. The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. I add a link containing details, some of which you are already aware of, and having internal links to more information. Hope this helps matador 89
2 :
I'm getting ready for chemo (FOLFOX) for stage III, and I'm also participating in a clinical study to see if adding cetuxitrab (used for higher stages) helps prevent it from returning in lower stages, too. FOLFOX (5FU + Oxaliplatin + leucovorin) is given biweekly for 12 treatments, and the cetuxitrab is given weekly. You were probably given a blood test to see if levels of a certain chemical were in your bloodstream. If that chemical was present, they can check it occasionally to see if it becomes elevated, which means the cancer may have returned. You will get colonoscopies more frequently (6 months after treatment, then every year after that. Once you've made it 3 years, chances are especially good that it won't return, and after 5 years, you're considered cured. We're planning on partying on the 3 year anniversary--you should too. Colon cancer is one of the most survivable types of cancer, and many people I've talked to know many people who have had it (even Stage IV) who've been cured. Fight the good fight.
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Honestly, there is no way anyone can give you a decent reason, because all humans and their reactions to drugs are different. The best thing is to get answers from your oncologist.. Also, go to cancer.org, and curetoday.com. And anytime you don't understand what some sort of medical jargon means, ASK your doctors, even if it makes you feel embarrassed. Thats what i did.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

When one has cancer (specifically colon cancer) is there also always weight loss

When one has cancer (specifically colon cancer) is there also always weight loss?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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Tumors release chemicals in the body that increase metabolism, causes it to burn calories faster. Two of my sisters had colon cancer. I also noticed that they became very pale.
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The only time my weight changed was during the chemo for colon cancer and whilst I was in hospital. My weight has been going up and down constantly for the past 7 months, whilst receiving treatment.
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Unfortunately I don't know in regards to colon cancer specifically; however, I have read numerous accounts of people who have had lung cancer with no symptoms at all. In fact there are several cancers that I know of (pancreatic, lung, and kidney) where symptoms may not occur at all until the cancer is already quite advanced....
4 :
It depends on the type of cancer and how advanced it is. Blood cancers tend to cause quick weight loss - other cancers, such as prostate and ovarian, don't impact major organs until they've spread beyond the site of the primary tumor, so with these there'd be less weight loss.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is colon cancer surgery major surgery

Is colon cancer surgery major surgery?
My dad is 71 with a leaky heart valve. Is surgery safe? Is it a major operation?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Any surgery on internal organs is major surgery. All surgery carries risks, and the risks get higher as you get older and if you have any health problems. One thing you should ask about is if they can do laproscopic surgery - thats where they do everything through small holes instead of cutting you open. I have no idea if it's possible for colon cancer, but it is a safer, less invasive form of surgery.
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You father would require cardiac clearance (a note to the surgeon from his cardiologist saying he is okay for surgery) before he would undergo a colectomy (removal of part or all of the colon). It is a major surgery (had it done myself but not for cancer).

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