Monday, March 28, 2011

What foods do you eat for colon cancer

What foods do you eat for colon cancer?

Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Anything high in fiber is good for your colon. Corn has a lot of fiber.
2 :
Here is a good article on the subject:

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada?

Politics - 14 Answers
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There are no waiting lists for life or death surgery and you know that.
2 :
3 :
Well, that is what Barack Hussein Obama thinks you ought to do. I want to see you live a long life!
4 :
If you get colon cancer, just write yourself off.
5 :
in cancer cases the guy above is precisely WRONG don't trust libs ... especially obama
6 :
Especially if your treatment was delayed longer for demographic reasons (i.e. you're above 60). I think that's what our founders fought and died for, the requirement to have government run health care that dictates how they are cared for in their last days. That sounds vaguely like freedom.
7 :
It's your patriotic duty to pay your taxes, then die. Peace
8 :
Well if you weren't taking it up the @ss all the time from the insurance companies, chances are you wouldn't have colon cancer in the first place.
9 :
Today I pulled up the Canadian website for wait times. I would have had to wait over 80 DAYS to have surgery for breast cancer, enough time for many cases to have metastasized. I was in surgery 6 days after my own diagnosis.
10 :
Depends on your age. If your over 65 your toast.
11 :
Yes. But you are assured by heir 0bama that you will be given proper counseling so you know you are dying for a good cause. If that doesn't convince you, he will make sure you are doped out of your mind and unable to protest.
12 :
Your Big Money Insurance Company might let you die if their profit is down. Tell your doctor give him a few pill to kill the pain.
13 :
Just take the pain pills. There'll be lots of pain pills.
14 :
Where do you get such tripe? (Anybody with decent health insurance will NOT have to take the government health coverage. It's for people that don't have any, if that's what you're implying.) As for Canada, my husband is half Canadian. We visited British Columbia a few years ago & our daughter got an ear infection so we took her to an emergency room. Total cost of diagnosis, treatment & medication, an alarming $15!!! Plus, we were treated with respect & very quickly. As you know in America, you'll be filling in a bunch of papers before the patient is seen & if they can't see any money in it for them, you won't be asked to take a seat, because you won't see a doctor. My mother-in-law had MS. She lived in a 24hr. care facility where she received excellent care & again with total respect for human beings. She lived longer than we expected because of that care & was not robbed of her life's savings.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada?

Politics - 8 Answers
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According to the dictator, yes.
2 :
You have to do your part for the collective. For the collective. For the collective. For the collective. For the collective,,,etc,etc
3 :
Yes it is.
4 :
According to some, either you wait and die, or you are a racist. Which would you rather be? Dead or racist?
5 :
Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
6 :
Well, if you did that you would certainly be doing the rest of us a favor.
7 :
Well, I have a good friend in Calgary who has precisely the illness you discuss, and he's doing FAR BETTER than he would in the U.S., and getting far more extensive treatment. In the U.S., his insurance would've been exhausted YEARS ago, and he'd be bankrupt by now. In fact, he seems to be cancer free, and at 61, plans on going back to work very soon. I know it's nice to make things up, and pick strange cases, like those parts of Canada which have very few MRI installations, and just generally indulge in all sorts of fantasy and "straw man" sophist hallucinations, but the realities are quite different. I know many Canadians, and NOT ONE wants to go back to the old system. Nor does anyone in Europe. Our life expectancy is 45th in the world among measured states. Everyone above us has some kind of national health guarantee. So what part of reality did you fail to understand? You need to learn a little about reality, and spend less time listening to the hack whores of paid neo-Nazi propaganda on Fox and similar hate facilities and fiction outlets.
8 :
Canada has had healthcare for all it's citizens for over 35 years. Canada is a democracy and could have voted the healthcare system out at any time. They are very happy with their healthcare system. You are falling for the lies and fear tactics the greedy -ass insurance companies are promoting to try to stop us from finally having a decent healthcare system for all Americans.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it possible to get colon cancer under 21 years of age

Is it possible to get colon cancer under 21 years of age?

Cancer - 7 Answers
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that is extremely rare. does the disease run in your family? unless you have some extenuating circumstances then the chances would be very slim, but see a doctor just to be on the safe side.
2 :
yes. sorry to say yes. i worked in a cancer ward for five years and saw a 22 year old die of lung cancer and never smoked. unfortunately the reality is that anyone is suseptible to cancer of all kinds at any age but the good thing is that cancer is more treatable now than it has ever been. get a colonoscopy if you are worried. nowadays you can even have the feces treated for abnormal cells in your colon.
3 :
Yes it is possible I have seen it. Tho like said above its not common
4 :
The sad thing is that even children get cancer... very unfortunate, I got skin cancer at 49,the procedure was a real bummer,now I Im hoping it doset come back,,,never know
5 :
it is possible, also please check with a doctor if you suspect something is wrong
6 :
Rare, but possible. Risk factors include some types of inflammatory bowel disease and a condition known as familial polyposis. Another risk factor is having a parent or grandparent with colon cancer. Genetic markers have been discovered that point to high risk. They have as yet to be widely used, but that should change in the not too distant future.
7 :
I ABSOLUTELY believe ANY cancer can happen to anyone at ANY age. I was only 19 when diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The only way for you to know for sure if you have cancer is to see your dr and get screened and tested. Good luck to you. I understand your concern!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My mom has stage 4 colon cancer it spread to most of her intestines can she get radiation treatment

My mom has stage 4 colon cancer it spread to most of her intestines can she get radiation treatment?
she had a histerectamy and a tumor removed from her colon
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Yes she can. According to your Cancer Society. Stage IV The cancer has spread from the colon to distant organs and tissues such as the liver, lungs, peritoneum, or ovaries. In most cases surgery is unlikely to cure these cancers. However, if only a few small metastases are present in the liver or lungs and they can be completely removed along with the colon cancer, surgery may help you live longer and may even cure you. Chemotherapy is typically given as well, before and/or after surgery. In some cases, hepatic artery infusion may be used if the tumors are in the liver. If the metastases cannot be surgically removed because they are too large or there are too many of them, chemotherapy may be tried first to shrink the tumors to allow for surgery. Chemotherapy would then be given again after surgery. Another option may be to destroy tumors in the liver with cryosurgery, radiofrequency ablation, or other non-surgical methods. If the cancer is too widespread to try to cure it with surgery, operations such as a colectomy or diverting colostomy (cutting the colon above the level of the cancer and attaching the end to an opening in the skin on the abdomen to allow waste out) may still be used in some cases. This can relieve or prevent blockage of the colon and may prevent other local complications. In some patients with extensive spread of cancer, such surgery can be avoided by inserting a stent (a hollow metal or plastic tube) into the colon during colonoscopy to keep it open. If you have stage IV cancer and your doctor recommends surgery, it is very important to understand what the goal of the surgery is -- whether it is to try to cure the cancer or to prevent or relieve symptoms of the disease. Most patients with stage IV cancer will get chemotherapy and/or targeted therapies to control the cancer. The most commonly used regimens include: * FOLFOX (leucovorin [folinic acid], 5-FU, and oxaliplatin) * FOLFIRI (leucovorin, 5-FU, and irinotecan) * CapeOX (capecitabine and oxaliplatin) * Any of the above combinations plus either bevacizumab or cetuximab (but not both) * 5-FU and leucovorin, with or without bevacizumab * Capecitabine, with or without bevacizumab * FOLFOXIRI (leucovorin, 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan) * Irinotecan, with or without cetuximab * Cetuximab alone * Panitumumab alone The choice of regimens may depend on several factors, including any previous treatments you've had and your overall health. If one of these regimens is no longer effective, another may be tried. For advanced cancers, radiation therapy may also be used to help prevent or relieve symptoms such as pain. While it may shrink tumors for a time, it is very unlikely to result in a cure. If your doctor recommends radiation therapy, it is important that you understand the goal of treatment.
2 :
Radiation is not usually used with stage 4 colon cancer. Is there some reason you believe she should have it? It doesn̢۪t often metastisize to the bone, although it is also rare to have a hysterectomy with this disease, but radiation often helps with bone met pain. Her oncologist is the best source of information.
3 :
Every patient's treatment plan is best left to their oncologist. The location of the cancer's spread, patient's overall health, previous patient experience with radiation treatment, other concurrent treatments, and a host of other considerations enter into the decision of whether radiation therapy makes sense. Learn more about the treatment and prognosis for colon-rectal cancer patients at the attached website.
4 :
If it has metastasized to the rest of the abdominal cavity (called carcinosis) It is not a good sign. Radiation would not be the treatment choice. Surgery can de-bulk large tumor masses. Chemotherapy can attempt to eradicate the tumor via the blood stream, but radiation is for targeted spots...think of it as a laser pointer... its only gonna hit one spot. Its good for single tumors, not wide spread disease. It could be used to alleviate pain (if she is unfortunate enough to have metastatic disease to her brain or to her spine). But those are probably the only two situations where radiation would be beneficial. Chemo and surgery are her options. The first post has good information, but she is misleading when she says it can be uesd.
5 :
With all colon cancers it depends on the type & extent of the cancer spread.Surgery, radiation & chemo are all good treatments as long as the cancer is localized for often the patient develops blockage of the intestines with the tumor requiring a colostomy or resection to be done to keep the bowels working.If the cancer has spread to other organs, like the liver, stomach, pancreas or lungs (to name just a few) it is not always best for the patient to put the person through major surgery if it will not benefit them.Chemo is the one that causes bad side effects like nausea & vomiting with loss of appetite so you have to proceed with great care with these patients & judge whether it will truly help or make the patient sicker.Radiation can be aimed at a tumor so the side effects do not usually do that.But radiation can not work well if the tumors are many ("spread" kind of indicated there are many tumors in the mesentery to direct the radiation to).You need to discuss her condition with the doctor & the options you have before you proceed.It's up to your mom to decide what treatment she wants & she will need the family to support her through this.God bless.
6 :
ONLY her Oncologist can answer this question with honesty and authority. Each person reacts to treatment differently and what has worked for you may not work for me. The answers you get on here is what people have read on the internet or from experiences of other patients. They are not to be used as evidence for what will work for your Mom. It is also possible that a particular treatment will work well for awhile and suddenly the patients develops an allergy to the chemo or they quit responding positive to the treatment. Not a single person can tell what will happen. Sorry, but that is the nature of the beast. Please follow your Oncologist advice and I pray that your Mom will have good results with the chosen treatment.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

I want answers from someone who has gone through colon cancer surgery and had part of the colon removed

I want answers from someone who has gone through colon cancer surgery and had part of the colon removed?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
That's me! What do you want to know?
2 :
My uncle's wife is suffering through stomach cancer right now! :( I wish she will make it through........ >-< I will just keep hoping!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MY HUSBAND has colon cancer but when went to get a patct it came back not showing anything so they wanted to w

MY HUSBAND has colon cancer but when went to get a patct it came back not showing anything so they wanted to w?
wait three months no blood test are anything is that good
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes, that's good. Colon cancer (if found before it has spread outside the colon) is one of the "best" cancers to get, if you insist on having cancer. It tends to stay inside the colon initially, so if doctors cut out that section of colon before it spreads, and sew the ends together, the patient can have a complete recovery. It also grows slowly enough (for a cancer) that it won't do any serious harm in as little as three months, so it makes sense to take a "wait and see" attitude rather than risking additional surgery... Hopefully your husband's cancer has been a gift that has taught him to enjoy each day he gets to have with those who love him...

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