Saturday, February 4, 2012

Can Cannabis oil really cure colon cancer

Can Cannabis oil really cure colon cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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The evidence is inconclusive. There is a body of evidence which shows that cannabis oil cures some cancers; and it certainly relieves the nausea which goes with cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, as well as alleviating cluster headaches (a particularly vicious and disabling form of migraine headache).
3 :
I mean, if you keep drinking diet cherry vanilla coke and breathing the fumes from the cement factory down the street and the coal plant up the street and you keep going to the golf course to get your regular dose of organophosphates, then there is nothing in this world that could possibly cure your cancer... Hemp oil is a great oil with a great source of Omega-3's and it will cure cancer if used in the right ratio with other raw, unheated, minimally processed oils. But, like I said, just taking the oil is only part of the solution. As I understand it, Hemp oil is beneficial because it contains Omega-3's. I am unsure if there are any other added benefits to using hemp oil. You should read Udo Erasmus' book "Fats that heal, fats the kill." That should give you some insight on the use and processing of oils; their importance and their role in healing disease. ...did you know that conventionally processed oils are first submerged in Hexane (gasoline) in order to dissolve the shell of the seed?? Or that hydrogenated oils are oils that were reacted with cadmuim, nickel or aluminum??? Of course, it is washed out. But let me ask you this, would you use a safety pin after it fell in an unflushed toilet just because it was 'washed' out??? The fact is that you are consuming an unnecessary amount of cancer-causing hexane in your oils when there are simply better more reasonable options. So more importantly, I would like to know what chemicals were used on this cannabis oil and how it was processed before I used it to solve any of my health concerns.

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